Thursday, January 22, 2009

Here Comes Everybody

This weeks reading was Here Comes Everybody by Shirkey. I thought I'd start my blog by looking up the book title on YouTube and guess what! I found a talk by the author about the book. See what you think.

I think my comments on this week's reading are going to pertain to wiki's. I like the comment's in HCE where he talks about his motivation for posting to Wikipedia. Exercising the mind, vanity and a desire to do a good thing all rolled into one. I think any volunteer work might be a combination of these things.

However, I think the use of wiki's can be used in the workplace as a valuable tool for collaboration -- even more so than email. Since I do consulting I have mentioned this to a few companies and have met with much of the same resistence.. they dont know what it is, how it works and are resistent to what they see as MORE work that is difficult. I truly believe that if companies would use wiki's as opposed to so much email that it would create a more efficient method of collaboration along with creating a natural documentation and organizational learning. The easily searchable content by everyone (or it can even be restricted as necessary) could possibly revolutionize a company. At this point, I have no data to back this up -- so my next step is to see what I can find.

1 comment:

  1. Lila, you may be interested in CMS Watch's "The Enterprise Social Software & Collaboration Report 2009". As one can expect, it mentioned blogs, wiki, file shareing and more.

    I read the comment of this report on a Chinese site, telling that to make a enterprise wiki work, much work need to be done.
