Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Introduction - Day 1

This is the first blog of many for the semester on internet learning. I think I'm going to find writing in this blog difficult at first but I'm sure as the semester progresses it will become easier.

When considering Prensky's digital immigrants vs digital natives, by all definition in terms of where I am in life, I should be considered an immigrant. However, I am an extensive internet user and rely heavily on technology for information and communication. I am much more comfortable sending an email as opposed to telephoning and I even started chatting online with instant messaging in the early 1990's as a master's student in computer science. I will admit that then the variety of people with which to chat was very limited. Most were computer science majors like myself, or others in more technical fields.

I can't think of many days I haven't been on the internet since the early 90's although, dialing in to UT's network on a 2400 baud modem is a far cry from where I am today. In spite of being such a "heavy user" I will admit to this being my first blog. It will be interesting to see if this sticks after the class or if it will become a tedious "have to" before the class is over.

So why am I reflecting on this in my first blog? I am curious to see if my background will influence how I see the internet and learning. Only time will tell as we progress through the class.

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